Timing your Renovations

Many real estate investors and homeowners in the Greater Chicago area perceive the ‘what to do’ as the biggest challenge in successful home improvement projects, but timing can be just as critical. Get the order of your scope of work wrong and you’ll see returns drop, projects taking a lot longer than expected, and of course plenty of increased frustration, if not sabotaging your project altogether. Budget is a big part of this.

If there are big uncertainties about the vastness and costs of a potential item like electrical wiring or plumbing, you might want to tackle those early. It would be terrible to paint and put in new cabinets or marble bathrooms and glass enclosed showers only to have to rip everything back out and redo it later because a home’s wiring or plumbing need to be completely replaced. In fact, many in the market for buying a home may rather pay a little less for a property and add the finishing cosmetic design touches that really fit their tastes rather than paying for them to be redone as soon as they close on the place. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the most in demand features. So before you pick up that hammer or paint brush, place that order, or head off to Home Depot again; make sure your home renovation time-line is tweaked and ready to ensure a smooth project, while maximizing potential returns and net proceeds from the sale.





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