Business is all about generating income. You can have tons of busy work and potential deals, but unless you turn those into revenue it doesn’t make a difference. In the world of real estate being efficient with your time is a must. If you blow it on tasks that don’t move the needle you will […]
Tag Archives: Chicago
Generate More Deals, Faster!
The real estate investing business is all about consistency. You want to get to the point where you have consistency in team building, networking, lead generation and every aspect of your business. If you consistent in these areas, things have a way of falling in place. Every investor wants the opportunity to do more deals. […]
Debunking the Myths: Real Estate
The real estate investing business is full of misinformation. With the business growing in popularity over the years more people have become “experts.” With the influx of information, theories and rationale it is difficult to decipher what is real and what is fake. If the person providing the information is passionate enough it is easy […]
Why Rental Properties Make Great Investments
Everybody is on the hunt for the perfect investment. We want minimal risk, high returns and easy management. What we don’t realize is that those are hard to come by. Instead of constantly searching for the perfect investment you should look for something more easily attainable. A rental property is undoubtedly the best long-term investment currently available […]
5 Reasons To Start Flipping
From the outside, flipping a house looks easy. If you watch one of the many programs on rehabbing and flipping they make it look like every property is a winner. The reality is that if you don’t know what you are doing you can, and will, be disappointed in your results. This is the part that you […]